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  • Cancel anytime.

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Example snapshots within the site

Box Plot
Fishbone Diagram, Ishakawa Diagram, Cause-Effect Diagram
The cost of inventory
MSA, Measurement System Analysis

"Refer a Friend" Discount

If you are a good standing member of, simply complete the form below and submit to us. When the person listed within the form subscribes to become a member, we will refund 50% of one period's membership dues to you (the referrer).

For example:

If you have a monthly membership at $12/month, we would provide a one-time refund of $6 to you (the referrer) through PayPal. 

If you have an annual membership at $42/month, we would provide a one-time refund of $21 to you (the referrer) through PayPal.

You may enter a maximum of one person throughout the duration of your membership as long as the membership is in good standing. If your PayPal account is inactive or otherwise compromised then we will not provide a refund. We reserve all rights to change or modify the program at any time without notice. 

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Group Discounts

Groups of 5-9 people may subscribe at a discounted rate of 25% per person. 

Groups of 10 or more people may join at a discounted rate of 50% per person + we will include All Templates and Calculators for each person in the group at no charge.

How the discount works:

Each period, monthly or annually, for which a payment is received from a member, we will refund 25% or 50% (depending on group size) of the amount through that member's PayPal account. 

For example:

If you are a member of a group of 12 people that have all subscribed, we will refund 50% to each person of the group for each period's membership fee through their PayPal account, once all the minimum number of group members have subscribed. In other words, at least 10 subscriptions need to be confirmed from the group for each member to get a 50% refund. 

Each member can choose to sign up for any period, monthly or annually. In other words, among the group there can be a mix of annual and monthly memberships.

Other members of the group may cancel at any time after subscribing for at least one period, a month or a year. But as long as you are still a member from that original group, we will refund 50% of your fee after each time a payment is made from you.

Complete the form and submit for our review.

If a person's PayPal account is inactive or otherwise compromised then we will not provide a refund. A person may only be a member of one group. We reserve all rights to change or modify the program at any time without notice. 

Group Memberships

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Six Sigma

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Six Sigma Slides


Green Belt Program (1,000+ Slides)

Basic Statistics

Cost of Quality


Process Mapping

Capability Studies



Cause & Effect Matrix


Multivariate Analysis

Central Limit Theorem

Confidence Intervals

Hypothesis Testing

T Tests





Control Plan



Project Pitfalls

Error Proofing

Z Scores


Takt Time

Line Balancing

Yield Metrics

Sampling Methods

Data Classification

Practice Exam

... and more

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