Frequently Asked Questions

Affiliate Notice

As an Amazon Associate, this website earns commissions from qualifying purchases. We also have other affiliate programs such as Google Adsense, from which we we also earn commissions. 

What is "Your" Page?

This feature offers a personalized web page for you to add your own comments, notes, reminders, and store files related to your Six Sigma project or studies.

Click here for additional information.

Does this website offer Lean, Green Belt, Black Belt, or Master Black Belt Certifications?

This site has an affiliate that offers training for and Six Sigma certifications

Can I purchase a DMAIC, DFSS, or LEAN slides through this site?

There are .pdf slides available to purchase and download for the topics shown on the right navigation bar.

Can I find templates and calculators related to Six Sigma and Lean?

These are available for a variety of topics from OEE, Takt Time, Loading, RTY, FMEA, SIPOC, and more. Click here to learn more.

Can I find job posting related to careers in Six Sigma?

There is a module related to Six Sigma careers hosted by an affiliate with active careers in Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing. This is available to subscribers. Click here to learn more about subscribing.

Are there example practice problems for White, Yellow, Green and Black Belts to help achieve certification?

These are >100 sample certification problems available to subscribers that cover all levels of Belts.

Does this website offer tutoring or assistance with projects? 

We are willing to review your information and and determine if we feel we can help. Once this is done, we can work out a price from deliverables, tutoring by the hour, etc. Contact us at and explain your situation. 

Other notes:

This site is a continuous work in progress. We are regularly adding or updating material, some of which will be available to the public and some for subscribers.

Some of the pages are not yet completed and they are always being updated or modified based on your feedback or new information. Please review the site disclaimer.

Site Membership
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Six Sigma
Templates & Calculators

Six Sigma Modules

The following are available 

Click Here

Green Belt Program (1,000+ Slides)

Basic Statistics

Cost of Quality


Process Mapping

Capability Studies


Cause & Effect Matrix


Multivariate Analysis

Central Limit Theorem

Confidence Intervals

Hypothesis Testing

T Tests



Correlation and Regression

Control Plan



Project Pitfalls

Error Proofing

Effective Meetings


Takt Time

Line Balancing

Practice Exam

... and more