A SIPOC is a high-level process map with (ideally) 4-7 process steps used in the Define Phase of a DMAIC project. It should indicate only major processes, activities, and tasks. The scope should be evident with the start of the process being at the top of the form and the end of the process at the bottom.
Ensure the team members understand the project boundaries with a clear start of the process and end of the process that matches the scope defined in the project contract.
Team members should understand that items external to the scope are important BUT they are not included in this project OR it is negotiated in with approval of upper management and steering committee. These external process steps may make the project too large or can form the beginning of a new project.
All of the basic processes are listed with the inputs and outputs, from where and to where. The team should have common agreement on the suppliers, inputs, process, outputs, and customers by the end of this exercise.
Follow these general guidelines to complete the SIPOC:
As a Green Belt or Black Belt, set a target to complete this form in one team meeting. It does not need to be perfect after the first attempt. It should be shared with others and refined as the customer specifications and input requirements become more refined. It should be complete, understood, and accepted before proceeding to the MEASURE phase.
The inputs (X's) are the sources of variation. The variation can result in defects whether it is from a system, gauge, part, or process is to be quantified when doing the Measurement Systems Analysis (MSA).
The inputs must be controlled and maintained under control to prevent defects and minimize their effect on the output. Resolving the root causes of the sources of variation is essential to meeting customer targets (output requirements) also known as the Voice of the Customer. The "C" column are the outputs and go along the top row in the Correlation Matrix.
The figure below shows the linkage of this tool to others used in the DMAIC process.
A SIPOC template, along with several other templates and calculators with examples, is available by clicking here.
Creating a SIPOC can easily be done using Excel, Word, Sheets, or Docs. Create a grid with 5 columns (S-I-P-O-C) and the rows will be filled in with by the team as the process is added (high level) with the beginning of the process starting at the top of the page.
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